
Perry township school calendar 2017-18
Perry township school calendar 2017-18

perry township school calendar 2017-18 perry township school calendar 2017-18

WFYI is not using Webber’s son’s name because he is a minor. In a recent interview, Webber’s son, now 11, said staff at Rise put him in seclusion for a variety of reasons including: “not picking up my pencil and writing, or something they tell me to do and say no, running out the room, or when I’m asked to do something I don’t like and I say no.” “So it really pains me that they used that method so many times.”

perry township school calendar 2017-18

“I’ve never locked him in his room,” Webber said. Then in the fourth grade, the 10-year-old boy was secluded on 23 occasions and restrained five times, according to information provided by Rise. Webber’s son attended Rise for roughly four years. His district - Perry Township Schools - placed him at Rise Learning Center, a school that exclusively serves students with disabilities in and around the southern part of Indianapolis. His diagnosis is listed as “other health impairment” - a catchall phrase for a multitude of disabilities - on his individualized education program. In the middle of his first grade year, school staff told Webber that her son had a behavioral disability. Her son was left alone in the room until a school employee decided he was calm enough to come out. The room, as Webber described, is a 10-by-10-foot space with no windows to the outside, just a small aperture on the door. Indiana defines seclusion as the confinement of a student alone in a room or area from which they’re prevented from leaving. To control his behavior, staff would put their hands on her son to restrict his movement - known as a physical restraint - or they’d take him to a seclusion room. Webber’s son struggled to behave in the first grade: He couldn’t sit still he’d get up out of his seat sometimes he’d try to run out of the classroom and once he threw his shoe at the ceiling.

perry township school calendar 2017-18

Most kids at 5, 6, 7 years old would not.” “He didn’t fully understand why he’s getting locked in a room. “It bothers me that they would do that to someone so young,” Webber said. When she thinks about what he experienced confined by himself to a small room in his Indianapolis elementary school, she begins to cry. The seclusions began when Luvmi Webber’s son was just 6-and-half years old. This is the second part of an investigation into seclusion and restraint in Indiana schools.

Perry township school calendar 2017-18